I've been waiting very impatiently for this one, cause its a pretty important one for me. The new badder and improve Deathstroke returns in the latest episode of Arrow "Blindspot". I was very excited when i find out that I get to do a new version of him, but also comes the burden that Arkham Origin just came out and their Deathstroke is BAD-ASS!!! What to do?? I looked up every single version of him that has been done before to find the core design language of what makes him Deathstroke. Also I want to make sure i'm doing something that is different even if it is in small subtle details. Almost everything has been done........ so the only strong direction is to stick to the style of the show and ground him. The Arkham version is super cool but has a lot of more fantastic elements that I can stay away from, his armors are almost abit medieval inspired. I was also excited when Costume Designer Maya Mani told me that they are finally open to more hard body armor and even some colors other than the black and greys! We've talked about that it should not be a completely new suit the he built, but more like an upgraded version of Slade, so I took alot of the Island Slade elements and incorporated into the new Deathstroke. I know it will be compare to the Arkham one, but I think we found a good balance that it is cool enough but realistic enough so I'm not so worried by the end of it. Enjoy!