Back in December, CW had a super awesome crossover event in the 8th episode of Arrow and Flash. During the Arrow episode, Oliver got some little upgrades to his suit. The 2 concepts above probably gives a little better look at the modifications. The strap for the quiver is more like a bandolier now that holds special trick arrow tips. There are flechette holders added to his left arm, lower back and his thighs. 2 seams were added at the lower front of jacket which makes it feel abit more like the lines of the abs which we all know Oliver Queen has, but also for the new jacket belt to loop through that holds 2 side pouches.
Now here is the fun one, below is a 'blooper version' which I added a green boxing glove on the bandolier with the other trick arrow tips as a homage to the classic boxing glove arrow. The awesome thing is that they actually figured a really smart way to create the classic boxing glove arrow in one of the episodes in season 3! I wonder if they saw the blooper illustration and got some ideas.
More cool things to come!
#Arrow #DC #CW #OliverQueen #GreenArrow #StephenAmell #BoxingGloveArrow