Saturday 30 August 2014

Roy gets a big boy mask! Graduates to Arsenal!

Many have speculated who would Roy Harper ultimately become in the Arrow-verse. Speedy? Red Arrow? Arsenal? In the finale of season 2, Roy finally put on a mask but with his normal red hoodie street clothes to help team Arrow to fight the Deathstroke army but still without a hero alias yet. The mask is essentially a red version of the Arrow mask, seems abit simple? Well during the San Diego Comic Con, they have finally revealed who he will become in season 3 and the first photo of him as - wait for it - ARSENAL! I've kept my mouth shut for awhile since I started doing his concept back in the middle of season 2. The Arsenal suit was pretty cool to work on but since they have only showed 1 image of it, I will wait until the show airs before I show the full concept and talk about the details further. For now here is a little sneak peek head shot of the full illustration.

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